News and Events
Dates for your diary 2024
Date | Time | Event |
Saturday 25th January |
7pm |
Curry and Race Night |
Saturday 15th February |
10am - 2pm |
Signing on Day: Membership to be renewed along with new members joining for the new season. Social, full, juniors are all welcome. |
Club Social Events
Please check notice boards for details concerning the events listed below. The help of members with the organisation and catering for social events is always very welcome. There is usually a good raffle at the bigger events and in the past members have been very generous in donating some lovely prizes. Please note COVID regulations may dictate what we can organise.
Short Mat Bowls are played during the winter season when the green is closed. There are organised roll-ups in the clubhouse on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings 10.00-12noon and then again between 2.00pm-4.00pm on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Thursday afternoon is reserved for league matches. The club house is closed to members Sunday, Monday and Friday mornings. A fee of £1 per player applies at roll -ups. Short mat is played by both social and full members.
Whist and Darts are played in the evening on a Wednesday evening in the winter - 6.50 for 7.00pm.
Bingo, Beetle Drives, Race Nights, Quiz Nights have been held in the winter months and have been well supported in the past. Watch the notice boards and Club News for details.
Coffee( and Cake!) mornings are a held occasionally, usually in support of a local or national charity.
Inner Wheel hire the Club House every 1st Thursday of the month, at 7.30pm.
Age Concern hire the Club House every Friday morning.
The Quakers hire the Club House every Sunday morning for their meetings.